Kanna, scientifically known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a succulent plant indigenous to South Africa. For centuries, kanna has been utilized by indigenous cultures for its psychoactive properties, traditionally chewed or used as a snuff for its mood-enhancing effects. It is often recognized for its reputed ability to elevate mood and decrease anxiety, earning it the moniker "Nature's MDMA." Unlike MDMA, a synthetic drug with well-known euphoric and empathogenic effects, kanna is a natural plant and is used by some as an herbal remedy.

In modern times, kanna has garnered attention as a potential alternative to synthetic psychoactives and for its therapeutic possibilities. Active compounds within the plant, such as mesembrine and mesembrenone, are believed to interact with the brain's serotonin receptors, which could explain its purported mood-boosting and anxiolytic effects. Users of kanna report feelings of well-being, decreased tension, and a sense of connection, somewhat paralleling the effects of MDMA but without the same intensity or potential legal issues associated with controlled substances.

While anecdotal evidence suggests that kanna may offer various mental health benefits, scientific research is still ongoing to fully understand its effects and safety profile. It is crucial to approach the use of kanna with caution, as self-medicating with herbal supplements could carry risks, and the long-term effects of kanna have yet to be thoroughly studied.

Understanding Kanna

Kanna, known scientifically as Sceletium tortuosum, is a succulent plant from South Africa with a long history of traditional use by indigenous communities for its mood-altering properties.

Historical Significance

Kanna has been utilized for centuries by the San and Khoisan people of South Africa. These indigenous communities would traditionally chew the fermented plant matter as part of their healing rituals and to enhance their mood. Kanna's historical use is appreciated for its ability to ease tension and stress over time.

Botanical Profile

Kanna is a succulent plant, thriving in the arid regions of South Africa. It belongs to the genus Sceletium and is characterized by small white and yellow flowers. When referring to 'Nature's MDMA', it is this plant's extracts that are being discussed, which are said to produce effects somewhat similar to the synthetic drug, but through a natural mechanism.

Modes of Consumption

Kanna can be consumed in several ways:

  1. Chew: Traditional method where the leaves are fermented and chewed.
  2. Tea: Leaves are steeped to make a calming tea.
  3. Smoke: Dried plant material can be smoked.

These methods deliver Kanna's active alkaloids, which have been used for their mood-enhancing and anxiety-reducing effects, potentially serving as a natural supplement among a range of products offered in regions where it is considered legal.

Science and Effects of Kanna

This section delves into the scientific mechanisms behind Kanna's effects, examines its health benefits, and assesses potential risks associated with its use.


Active Alkaloids

Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is a succulent plant native to South Africa known for its psychoactive properties. The plant contains a range of alkaloids, including mesembrine, mesembrenone, mesembrenol, and tortuosamine. Mesembrine is the most prominent, acting primarily as a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), similar to some pharmaceutical antidepressants.

Neurological Impact

By blocking the reuptake of serotonin, Kanna increases serotonin levels in the brain. This action contributes to its mood-elevating effects. Unlike MDMA, which releases a flood of serotonin, Kanna's action is more subtle, leading to a calming and mood-boosting effect without the intense euphoria or empathogenic effects of MDMA.

Health Benefits

  • Mood Enhancement: Regular use of Kanna has been linked to mood elevation, potentially benefiting those with depression or anxiety.
  • Cognitive Function: Some users report improvements in attention and focus.
  • Stress Reduction: Kanna may act as a natural mood booster and stress reliever, promoting relaxation and calm.
  • Social Benefits: Users often feel more socially connected and describe experiencing a sense of tranquility and kanna bliss.
  • Pain Relief: There may be an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, contributing to pain relief.

Potential Risks

  • Serotonin Syndrome: As with any substance that alters serotonin levels, there is a risk, although low, of serotonin syndrome, particularly when combined with other SSRIs or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).
  • Side Effects: Some users might experience side effects such as increased body temperature, nausea, and headaches.
  • Long-term Effects: The long-term effects of Kanna have not been thoroughly studied, and potential risks of prolonged use remain unclear.